Notification Widget and old thumbnails

Peter thanks very much for your quick answer in the other topic.
Anyway, I’m afraid I’ve got something weird in my CMS.
I can’t see this widget unfortunately.

PS: Sometimes I see thumbnails of the OLD xibo installation. This is not a problem, but could be the same problem. Example in this layout, the photo is a classic concert, but in the timeline I see a blues brother band, wich I used the last year.


Just to recap.

It is 1.8.7 CMS docker on linux, correct?

I assume from your post it was upgraded several times now, correct?
I wonder if those issues are related to browser cache, did you try to clear it / use different browser?

Failing that, could you access the database in the web container and run

SELECT * from module;
SELECT * from module WHERE `Module` = 'notificationview';

and see if notificationview module is present in the database?

Accessing mysql on docker is explained here How can I run a SQL command when using a Docker Install?
it’s not complicated.

Thanks Peter for helping.

Yes, docker on linux, upgraded once from 1.8.3 to 1.8.7. The problem of the thumbnails was already there.

Last year we was using xibo 1.7.9 non-docker, on the same centos machine. We wipeout everything, and reinstalled centos7 and xibo-1.8.3 docker, so it’s really weird that these pictures are still there.

I tried just right now, I cleared all the caches with ccleaner. I relogged and the wrong thumbnail is still there.

MySQL [cms]>  SELECT * from module WHERE `Module` = 'notificationview';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [cms]> SELECT * from module;
| ModuleID | Module        | Name           | Enabled | RegionSpecific | Description                                                             | ImageUri               | SchemaVersion | ValidExtensions           | PreviewEnabled | assignable | render_as | settings                                             | viewPath   | class                     | defaultDuration | installName |
|        1 | Image         | Image          |       1 |              0 | Images. PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF                                              | forms/image.gif        |             1 | jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif      |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Image         |              10 | NULL        |
|        2 | Video         | Video          |       1 |              0 | Videos - support varies depending on the client hardware you are using. | forms/video.gif        |             1 | wmv,avi,mpg,mpeg,webm,mp4 |              0 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Video         |               0 | NULL        |
|        3 | Flash         | Flash          |       1 |              0 | Flash                                                                   | forms/flash.gif        |             1 | swf                       |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Flash         |              10 | NULL        |
|        4 | PowerPoint    | PowerPoint     |       1 |              0 | Powerpoint. PPT, PPS                                                    | forms/powerpoint.gif   |             1 | ppt,pps,pptx              |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\PowerPoint    |              10 | NULL        |
|        5 | Webpage       | Webpage        |       1 |              1 | Webpages.                                                               | forms/webpage.gif      |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\WebPage       |              60 | NULL        |
|        6 | Ticker        | Ticker         |       1 |              1 | RSS Ticker.                                                             | forms/ticker.gif       |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | NULL      | []                                                   | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Ticker        |               5 | NULL        |
|        7 | Text          | Text           |       1 |              1 | Text. With Directional Controls.                                        | forms/text.gif         |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Text          |               5 | NULL        |
|        8 | Embedded      | Embedded       |       1 |              1 | Embedded HTML                                                           | forms/webpage.gif      |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Embedded      |              60 | NULL        |
|       11 | datasetview   | Data Set       |       1 |              1 | A view on a DataSet                                                     | forms/datasetview.gif  |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\DataSetView   |              60 | NULL        |
|       12 | shellcommand  | Shell Command  |       1 |              1 | Execute a shell command on the client                                   | forms/shellcommand.gif |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\ShellCommand  |               3 | NULL        |
|       13 | localvideo    | Local Video    |       1 |              1 | Play a video locally stored on the client                               | forms/video.gif        |             1 | NULL                      |              0 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\LocalVideo    |              60 | NULL        |
|       14 | genericfile   | Generic File   |       1 |              0 | A generic file to be stored in the library                              | forms/library.gif      |             1 | apk,ipk,js,html,htm       |              0 |          0 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\GenericFile   |              10 | NULL        |
|       15 | clock         | Clock          |       1 |              1 |                                                                         | forms/library.gif      |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | html      | []                                                   | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Clock         |               5 | NULL        |
|       16 | font          | Font           |       1 |              0 | A font to use in other Modules                                          | forms/library.gif      |             1 | ttf,otf,eot,svg,woff      |              0 |          0 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Font          |              10 | NULL        |
|       17 | audio         | Audio          |       1 |              0 | Audio - support varies depending on the client hardware                 | forms/video.gif        |             1 | mp3,wav                   |              0 |          1 | NULL      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Audio         |               0 | NULL        |
|       18 | pdf           | PDF            |       1 |              0 | PDF document viewer                                                     | forms/pdf.gif          |             1 | pdf                       |              1 |          1 | html      | NULL                                                 | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Pdf           |              60 | NULL        |
|       19 | googletraffic | Google Traffic |       1 |              1 | Google Traffic Map                                                      | forms/library.gif      |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | html      | {"apiKey":"1234567812345678"} | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\GoogleTraffic |              20 | NULL        |
|       20 | forecastio    | Weather        |       1 |              1 | Weather Powered by DarkSky                                              | forms/library.gif      |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | html      | []                                                   | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\ForecastIo    |              60 | NULL        |
|       21 | hls           | HLS            |       1 |              1 | HLS Video Stream                                                        | forms/library.gif      |             1 | NULL                      |              1 |          1 | html      | []                                                   | ../modules | Xibo\Widget\Hls           |              60 | NULL        |
19 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I think is not there. Anyway, everything is working correctly. Only the notification widget vanished, and this thumbnail “bug”… i used quotation marks cause maybe it’s a personal bug :smiley:

thanks for this amazing assistance,

The thumbnails for each library image are only generated once when first requested - after that they are saved to the library folder in the format tn_<mediaId>.<media ext>

If you’d reused your old library folder then it is possible that this thumbnail would have already existed - perhaps - although it is a stretch.

You could look in your library folder for odd tn_ files and delete them, which should regenerate the thumbnail for you next time you look at it.

The notification widget isn’t an “install-able module” in the usual sense. It was added as a system module in 1.8.3. Evidently it wasn’t in your case - odd.

You can run the following SQL to install it:

INSERT INTO module (Module, Name, Enabled, RegionSpecific, Description, ImageUri, SchemaVersion, ValidExtensions, PreviewEnabled, assignable, render_as, settings, viewPath, class, defaultDuration) 
VALUES ('notificationview', 'Notification', 1, 1, 'Display Notifications from the Notification Centre', 'forms/library.gif', 1, null, 1, 1, 'html', null, '../modules', 'Xibo\\Widget\\NotificationView', 10);

Now the notification widget is ready and available, thanks so much.
Thanks for helping on the thumbnail too. I’m not sure wich file can be odd, I think I’ll delete them all (the tn_ files), since for the moment we are using 10 jpgs (Only because you teach me that xibo regenerate the thumbnail, if not existent).

EDIT: I deleted all the tn_ and the thumbnails are ok now. I’m not an expert like you Dan, but I’m still wondering how the bluesbrother jpg was still there after a format, but since it’s gone, let’s forget it :slight_smile:

Thanks again :blush:


Sounds good! Pleased thats working.