Configure my domain to access the Xibo

Hello! Did you install Xibo on a local server using Xampp . It is working perfectly . Now I want to configure the CMS on a Web server . I access the CPANEL . Could you help me?

The CMS is the Main part of Xibo or server application for Xibo. Are you wanting to host the database on one server and the Xibo Application/Server on another server?

If so, when doing the installation just configure the Database Configuration screen to point to the server you wish to host the database on.

Thanks for the feedback! I have created a database and put the folder in my server, but when trying to access mydomain/xibo , the following error occurs :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION, expecting β€˜)’ in /home/user/public_html/xibo/lib/include.php on line 121

Which folder are you referring to? The library folder?

As far as this error goes, I am not certain what it means. I would guess an invalid configuration of permissions on a folder of the CMS server for apache. @Dan or @Alex may have some better insight on that.

Edit: About half way down in this post might help you identify the problem

I am looking for a better post for you.

In the mean time have you read this?

The "xibo - cm - 1.7.5 " folder.

I think your PHP version is below the minimum required (and therefore doesn’t support some of the syntax we use - hence the syntax error).

Can you check your PHP version please?

Exactly Dan !
It was my version of PHP !
Sorted out!
Thank you friend! :slight_smile: