XIBO CMS google-sign up and login

Hi ,

Is it possible to integrate XIBO CMS login with 3rd party like Google or facebook? Also can we create a new user with Google Sign up?

If yes please can you suggest some possible steps


Yes it is possible to use Google Authentication for the CMS login, assuming you have a GSuite for Business or GSuite for Education domain.

You would need to use the SAML functionality of Xibo, and connect your CMS to Google’s SAML endpoint.


Thanks for the quick reply Alex.Really appreciate.

I integrated XIBO and Google through GSuite account , however on login through Gmail credentials I am getting this error…

Any idea why I am getting this.Sorry I am new to XIBO and SAML.


It’s not something I do regularly, but the error suggests you haven’t enabled the app for your user on the GSuites side.

You have to enable the app you created for the users you want to be able to log in to Xibo with SAML. It can take some time for those changes to be made on Google’s side.