Rewrite not working


Currently i trying to install CMS 1.8.2 to my demo server
for supporting environment, i’m using Apache as my web server App

after trying to install to my demo server
i met some condition similar with topic below

and based on Dan Garner suggestion, that i must activate the rewrite module.
The re-write module have been activate
but still when i trying to open http://[mydomain-server]
the the web page redirect to http://[mydomain-server]/install/
after complete all requirement, then i proceed to the next page
the next page redirect to http://[mydomain-server]/install/2
and the result get the BLANK PAGE

as Dan Garner said on that topic, that i might get the mod_rewrite issue,
So what exactly i have to solve this issue,
cause as i know that i do not need change on .htaccess file

Any Solution for this issue ?

Thank you .


How to make sure the Rewrite Module working well ?
And how to fix Rewrite Module, if i meet the condition like my message above ?

coz i think it will be annoying if i must input

how to solve this issue ?

Thank You

anyone can help this issue?

The most of the discussion in that linked topic was about IIS I believe, while on Apache it should not be that complicated -

Could you please tell us what is your current DocumentRoot and what (if anything) have you changed in regards to url rewriting?

Hi Peter ,

Thank you for your response,
As your explanation, on Apache it should not be that complicated,
but somehow, i’m still meet some issue at that point.

Here my detail Xibo environment inside my PC regarding to Xibo CMS 1.8.2:
OS = Ubuntu 16.04.2
Apache = apache 2.4.18
MySQL = MySQL 5.6.37

below script from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
Link for Vhost

below script from file web/.htaccess
Link for file .htaccess

please correct me if any missing variable or any line to solve this issue

Thank you


anyone can help to solve my issue ?

thank you

Anyone can help ?

coz curently i cannot find any solution for this …

Thank you

Ubuntu 16.04 comes with PHP7 which isn’t supported for Xibo yet. Perhaps that’s the cause of your issue? Or have you installed a backported PHP 5.6?

Hi Alex,

Thank you for your response,
I’m sorry, i forgot to inform that i’m already use PHP 5.6

it’s working now,
after i change script on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
< Directory /var/www/html/ >
< Directory /var/www/html/cms182/web/ >

and then restart the apache, now the Xibo CMS working fine.

And My Conclusion, It’s seem Document-root and Directory must be point at the same path

So what i have to do if i want my other website still working, without jeopardize my Xibo CMS website ?

As you know that i’m still haven’t much experience on setting Apache and htaccess

Is it possible if i can point the document-root into /var/www/html/
and ONLY Directory point into /var/www/html/cms182/web/ ???

Thank You.

It depends how your other site works?

So did you have something like   <== Xibo CMS   <== Website


Or like:   <== Xibo CMS   <== Website

With virtual hosts before?

Or something else?

I have something like below : <== XiboCMS <== Website

with virtual host

so what i have to do ?

Each virtual host can have it’s own webroot, so changing the webroot in the vhost for Xibo won’t affect your other sites.

Oh… okay,

Let me try first, and if i met any obstacle during testing
i will inform you as soon as possible

Thank You.