Query- while Xibo docker installation & configuration process

We are installing the xibo-docker 1.8.5 on windows 10 pro.

We are done with the installation of CMS container using command “docker-compose up -d”

After that we have tried to login at CMS using http://localhost but showing the fatal error - sorry this shouldn’t happen.

So can any one help me out to resolve the above login error in CMS.

Can you docker-compose stop and then docker-compose up (without the -d) and then paste the output here?

Thanks for the revert…
We have tried as per your reply… We are getting error as TLS handshake timeout while docker-compose up …Attached screenshot for reference.

That is a Docker error rather than an Xibo error in that case - basically your host PC can’t connect to the Docker registry to download containers.

I have seen advice online in Docker forums that a docker logout has allowed people to pull containers - so you could try that.

Thanks for the quick revert…

Even after docker logout, we have run the query mentioned. But we are getting the error. The output of the query is as mentioned below.

D:\xibo-docker\xibo-docker-1.8.5>docker logout
Not logged in to https://index.docker.io/v1/

D:\xibo-docker\xibo-docker-1.8.5>docker-compose up
xibodocker185_cms-xmr_1 is up-to-date
xibodocker185_cms-db_1 is up-to-date
xibodocker185_cms-web_1 is up-to-date
Attaching to xibodocker185_cms-xmr_1, xibodocker185_cms-db_1, xibodocker185_cms-web_1
cms-web_1  | Waiting for MySQL to start - max 300 seconds
cms-web_1  | MySQL started
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | New install
cms-web_1  | Provisioning Database
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Configuring Database Settings
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Setting up Maintenance
cms-web_1  | Protected Maintenance
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Segmentation fault
cms-web_1  | Updating settings.php
cms-web_1  | Configuring Maintenance
cms-web_1  | Removing web/install/index.php from production container
cms-web_1  | Running maintenance
cms-web_1  | Starting cron
cms-web_1  | Starting webserver
cms-web_1  | AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message....

Your original problem is solved at least! So that is good.

I think this is happening each time the web container tries to run a database query - i.e. I don’t think your MySQL container is working correctly.

Assuming this is a new installation (do not do this on an install with data inside it), can you remove the shared/db folder and try again? Also including the output of docker-compose ps

Thanks for the revert.
Even after removing that folder, we have tried executing the command but giving the same error of segmentation fault.

Can you provide the full logs of the command starting from an empty shared folder? Exactly as you did before, but with an empty shared folder as your starting point.