Problems with XAMPP & ZeroMQ

Can you set debug:true in your config.json and then show the console output of XMR running? Perhaps XMR itself is not running correctly.

which console do you mean?

Easier if I ask another question - how are you running XMR?

i just installed zeromq :smiley: i just did all the things in the tutorials…

OK lets try and be perfectly clear - you have chosen to do a “manual” installation, meaning you’re running directly on a web server and not using docker.

The instructions for that are here:

At the bottom it says that you need to set up XMR and XTR manually and provides links for both of those applications.

Admittedly the XMR instructions could be more verbose, but this is the line you’re looking for:

XMR is a PHAR (PHP archive) and can be run from any terminal by issuing php xmr.phar. It is a long running application and will not terminate once started. It is recommended to run this as a service, you can find an example upstart conf file in vendor/xibosignage/xibo-xmr/bin/upstart.

We do not provide any examples of how you might run that on Windows, but you can certainly (for testing) open the windows command prompt and do php vendor/bin/xmr.phar in your Xibo folder.

xmr error

that is happening… :frowning:

So in the config.json enable debug please (debug: true) and then retry. I expect there is some error.

was already enabled :slight_smile:

Can you create a simple PHP file in PHP_FILES called test.php with the following content

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Then run that file with php test.php and see what output you get?

the output is just “true” on the site …

You need to run the file as I asked please.

I suspect that php-cli doesn’t have ZMQ available, which is why xmr.phar just exits.

ye i runned the file in a console aswell and it just responds with “true”

I’m afraid I am out of ideas then - it shouldn’t just exit like that.

You could try copying your config file to vendor/xibosignage/xibo-xmr/config.json and then running php index.php in that folder. That is the non PHAR code for XMR.

just an empty console when i run this command…

OK so edit index.php and put the following at the top, under the opening <?php

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

thats what i get :slight_smile:

There were two issues here (after a team viewer session).

  1. The config.json file wasn’t in vendor/bin and the contents of the file contained non-standard " characters
  2. IIS isn’t loading the ZMQ module for PUT or DELETE requests, meaning some functions failed

I was not able to solve the second problem (not having any experience with IIS), but have left the OP with this link: which might help.

Note: Despite the title the OP is running IIS and not XAMPP

Hey ,

can you please tell me how you fixed the issue , i’m having the same problem with zeromq

Thank you very much,

best regards,

For running ZeroMQ and Xampp here is my Tutorial in german:

I have no expierience with IIS but here is another tutorial for IIS: