Problems with XAMPP & ZeroMQ

So in the config.json enable debug please (debug: true) and then retry. I expect there is some error.

was already enabled :slight_smile:

Can you create a simple PHP file in PHP_FILES called test.php with the following content

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Then run that file with php test.php and see what output you get?

the output is just “true” on the site …

You need to run the file as I asked please.

I suspect that php-cli doesn’t have ZMQ available, which is why xmr.phar just exits.

ye i runned the file in a console aswell and it just responds with “true”

I’m afraid I am out of ideas then - it shouldn’t just exit like that.

You could try copying your config file to vendor/xibosignage/xibo-xmr/config.json and then running php index.php in that folder. That is the non PHAR code for XMR.

just an empty console when i run this command…

OK so edit index.php and put the following at the top, under the opening <?php

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

thats what i get :slight_smile:

There were two issues here (after a team viewer session).

  1. The config.json file wasn’t in vendor/bin and the contents of the file contained non-standard " characters
  2. IIS isn’t loading the ZMQ module for PUT or DELETE requests, meaning some functions failed

I was not able to solve the second problem (not having any experience with IIS), but have left the OP with this link: which might help.

Note: Despite the title the OP is running IIS and not XAMPP

Hey ,

can you please tell me how you fixed the issue , i’m having the same problem with zeromq

Thank you very much,

best regards,

For running ZeroMQ and Xampp here is my Tutorial in german:

I have no expierience with IIS but here is another tutorial for IIS: