Multiple widgets in timeline

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version

Version 2.3.7

Player Type

web preview and windows player

Player Version



I would like to know if it is possible to use multiple layouts in the timeline. At position 0 in the timeline i start with 1 layout, which i change several times during a single time line.

At this moment i am solving it like this.

0 - 20 seconds layout 1
20-40 seconds layout 2

i am using empty text fields for the duration i need to force a layout to start later or to stop.!

For example below: i use the QSBV-1 background to view the QSBV-4 text, this is from 0-10 seconds. After that i would like to show the QSBV-6 text over the QSBV-1 backgrond (groeneweide) at 30-40 seconds
Schermafbeelding 2021-01-27 om 11.21.31|690x176

Is there a way i can let a single widget start at a specific time point and stop at a specific time point

Hello and welcome to the community.

You can have multiple Widgets in multiple Regions in the timeline which is then controlled by duration to play how you intend. Take a look at our guide on Understanding Media duration and how it affects playback for further info.

I believe that the Spacer Widget will solve what you are trying to do by using the Spacer duration to set a delay to show content in a Region for a specified amount of time. This guide here uses the Spacer Widget to give you an example.

Thank you for your answer! This worked perfectly

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