I want to display the content of the IP camera stream (brand SONY PTZ 300 SE) using xibo.
For this, I made either a simple redirection to the http pahe of the network camera (http: // ip_camera) or I put the following html code to display the contents of 3 camera simultaneously:
<FRAMESET cols="50%,50%">
<FRAMESET rows="50%">
<FRAME name="Amphi A" frameborder="1" src="">
<FRAMESET rows="50%,50%">
<FRAME name="Amphi B" frameborder="1" src="">
<FRAME name="Amphi C" frameborder="1" src="">
unfortunately in both cases, xibo has trouble posting this content (black page)
Thank you for orienting me in order to solve this problem or to work around it
best regards