IP camera video stream display

I want to display the content of the IP camera stream (brand SONY PTZ 300 SE) using xibo.
For this, I made either a simple redirection to the http pahe of the network camera (http: // ip_camera) or I put the following html code to display the contents of 3 camera simultaneously:

<FRAMESET cols="50%,50%">

<FRAMESET rows="50%">
       <FRAME  name="Amphi A" frameborder="1"  src="">

<FRAMESET rows="50%,50%">
       <FRAME  name="Amphi B"  frameborder="1" src="">
       <FRAME  name="Amphi C"  frameborder="1"  src="">
	  <FRAME >

unfortunately in both cases, xibo has trouble posting this content (black page)

Thank you for orienting me in order to solve this problem or to work around it

best regards

It would be best if your camera could generate rtsp url, which you could then put in the localVideo module in Xibo - Stream CCTV IP Camera in to Xibo for Android

On windows it is slightly more complicated - Streaming live video to Xibo .NET client
unless you can have a HLS url and you’re using 1.8 series CMS on Windows 8.1 and later then you can use HLS module in Xibo.

my xibo server is under version 1.7.9 and my clients are on windows 7.
how can i make it as simple as possible