Interactive Signage

The link don’t work anymore

Which link in particular are you referring to?

We have three main ‘Manuals’ that contain all of our Xibo documentation that can be found using the following links:
User manual
Administration manual
Developer documentation

I have successfully setup a remote dataset, relevant data is being pulled into the dataset ticker with filters, what I really need is a way for the end user to be able to modify parts of the filter from the player. This will be used for a seating allocation display, I would like the user to be able to select their initial and the list will filter accordingly to show only surnames starting with ‘B’. I can achieve this with the filters in the editor, is there a way that I’m missing to allow additional filters to be run locally on the display?

I saw the note in the latest release notes that v3 is next, how exciting! I really hope it’s going to make it easy to change what data is displayed from a dataset by touching buttons on the player.

In the meantime I have actually got my last scenario to work using the embedded widget, I’ve written some custom javascript that pulls csv data into a table, I then have some javascript buttons that modify the css to show/hide different lines of the table, and I can even scroll the table when it overflows! changes get made to the csv file remotely and changes update on the displays without any user interaction.

This is almost perfect, however I really would like to keep it entirely within xibo, rather than embedding it, as I lose the ability to use library content like fonts.

Thanks for your update, please to see you have an embedded workaround.

In v3 you would have something like:

  • an entry DataSet Widet showing your initial table
  • regions containing however many buttons you needed
  • further DataSet Widgets in the interactive drawer configured for each filter
  • you’d then set click/touch actions on the buttons, pointing to the relevant Widget from the drawer

We will be releasing an alpha with the CMS side changes first, so people can test their uses cases.

Hello Dan,
I really appreciate your work. Many thanks! I found on the github that you have already set up a library for interactively controlling an Xibo Player. Does that mean you’re already working on it? When do you think the first version will be released?
Thank you for your response.


We are making a client library, called Xibo Interactive Control for the Player Interactive API - well spotted! :male_detective:

Initially this will be designed so that you can call actions and some other functions from inside Widget’s running in Xibo. Once we’ve worked out security concerns, we hope to make it callable from outside the Player also.

It’s early days yet, but the library should be available along with the v3.0.0-beta we’re working on now. I don’t want to commit to a date on it as there is still quite a bit to do, as well as our routine maintenance on v2.

Our aim though is to have a release candidate and windows player support for interactive available before the new year.



Would this option allow the player to play a layout but when the user taps the screen (or presses a key) then allow the user to select from a list of stored content to play?

My requirement here is to allow the users to watch Health and Safety videos or play content on request.

Alternatively, would the interactions allow the user to restart/pause/resume a video?


Are there any more details on this and the functionality?
I’m looking for an option that allows me to play content on demand which is NOT triggered by a widget but triggered maybe using a keyboard (using Windows/linux player) as my players are not touch screen.

A post was split to a new topic: Switch content via HTTP/TCP/UDP command?

A post was split to a new topic: Interactive set up advice