Import Layout xibo 1.8.2

When I want to import an xibo slide installed with a docker to an xibo installed with IIS, it throws “Error Internal Server” and the upload of the slide is finished

I have modified the size to 400MB and the file weighs 384 MB


Perhaps you missed some settings? Did you also increase your PHP memory limit and Post Max Size settings?

Yes alex! After I modify that I throw the error “The name must be between 1 and 100 characters.”

Perhaps your name doesn’t meet that requirement? What was the name when it was exported?

The name is:

That’s the name of the export file, not the name of the layout before it was exported. I’m guessing it’s going to contain a character that the new CMS won’t accept as valid. Before export, please check that the layout name contains only alpha numeric characters, export again, and then try the import.


the name of the layout in LA TERRZA - INICIAL, how to change the characters so that it accepts? Where I have to go?


the name of the layout in LA TERRZA - INICIAL, how to change the characters so that it accepts? Where I have to go?

You would need to change it on the source CMS before you export it.

Hi Alex
Same issue for me, first import works well but after that all returned "The name must be between 1 and 100 characters"
I tried to rename the layout, the zip etc without success

What do you mean by that? You can import it once, but not again? Or you’re trying to import multiple layouts in one go. What version of the CMS are you running?

I imported successfully one layout from old Xibo server and then next import failed

OK so it’s related to the export file I suspect. Please can you share that file so we can see what the issue is with it?

Again, what version of the CMS are you running the export and imports on?

I moved from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3. and yes I exported them from the old 1.8.2 and import them in 1.8.3
it works well for the first import and failed for the next ones

Any reason not to just upgrade the 1.8.2 to 1.8.3?

We’ll need to see the file to understand why it doesn’t import for you.

Hi Alex, i fact i massive upload several zip files the first time and got this error
the files are in the database but not appears in the layouts
i resolved (with a friend) the issue by importing again layouts one by one BUT without checking the “replace media” check box
Then my layouts appears in the layout tab

I’m glad you got your layouts imported. Fundamentally though, until someone can provide us with an export that causes the error so we can import it and see the problem first hand, we aren’t going to be able to resolve this.


I am also having issues with importing the layouts.
I am using Xibo 1.8.10 installed with Docker on windows 10 64 bit.
The layouts are exported from 1.8.9
I have attached 1 file that gives problems. Please rename from .pdf to .zip (otherwise I could not attach.

export_60-jaar-prv-de-where-deel-2a-wedstrijden.pdf (900.2 KB)

Could you try to import this file on your system?

Regards, Peter

I imported that in to a 1.8.10 CMS without issue:

Please put the CMS in to debug and provide the logs showing the issue you’re having.

You mentioned that you have modified the size to 400MB, but there may be other parameters that also need to be configured,particularly with PHP memory limits. You may need to set those considerably higher. I have attached a link below that explains how to upload files larger than 2MB. In the link are details of what parameters will need to be adjusted for PHP as well as inside your IIS environment.:

How do I upload files bigger than 2MB / How can I increase the upload file size limit?

If you should find that you are still having issues importing large files, I would recommend using the fault wizard within the CMS and sending us the logs.