I have problem when uploading file to xibo and have this error : Failed to write file to disk
The file is a video with .mp4 format and it is only 7MB
Our server is set with
post_max_size: 300
upload_max_size: 300M
How do I fix this?
Also I have 777 permission to our media folder
You can have a look here for additional settings How do I upload files bigger than 2MB / How can I increase the upload file size limit?
What web server are you using?
What’s the CMS library path in CMS settings?
Do you see the same error when you try to upload other files?
What web server are you using? - Were are using apache2 on ubuntu server**
What’s the CMS library path in CMS settings? - /var/www with 777 permission
I have also set php.ini settings for post_max_size and upload_max_size, (and of course restart apache). Still got the issue
I got these error when upload files > 7MB
Please see ‘Library location’ section of this post - https://community.xibo.org.uk/t/xibo-cms-post-installation-setup-guide/522/3 - you need fully qualified path to the CMS library in CMS settings.
Are there any other errors in CMS logs?
I see no problem when uploading file < 7MB and can still upload the file. How to I check CMS logs?
So you will want to enable debugging on Report Fault page.
Then recreate the problem (ie try to upload file bigger than 7M) and navigate to ‘Logs’ page in CMS.
After you’re done with testing/logs, please disable debugging on Report Fault page.