Email notifications help

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere - I have yet to find a solution to this issue.

My first question is fairly straight-forward:
Can someone tell me if there is a way to delete notifications from the notification centre in one quick method rather than deleting these individually?

Second question is causing some headaches:
I have email alerts enabled with these supposedly being sent to the admin email address (myself). I am not receiving any yet they are all appearing in the notification centre. I only want to receive email alerts when a display has a connection error that has lasted 30 minutes. I have entered these details accordingly in the maintenance tab.

What is happening is that the notification centre is receiving alerts constantly (nearly 400 overnight) yet none of these are being forwarded to my email address.

So I guess what I am looking for as a solution is:
(a) alerts to be sent to my email address (I can’t figure out why this is not happening).
(b) only receive alerts/notifications when there is connection error on a display that has lasted 30 minutes or more

Forgive my long-winded attempt at explaining this! Any support or advice would be appreciated.

Currently there are 2 methods for deleting Notifications. You can delete them one by one as you have mentioned or by using the Remove Old Notifications Task in the Tasks option of your CMS. It is not possible to select more than one Notification for deletion in the Notification Centre.

I have informed the Development department that this is a feature that could be useful for our Users so that it can be considered for future releases.

I have attached a link to the Post CMS Installation Guide, which includes instructions on how to set up Email Alerts. I would recommend checking that all of the steps have been followed, including XTR has been configured and that the Displays you wish to receive alerts for have also been set to notify you should an issue occur.

If you still do not receive any notifications after following the Guide, please let me know, along with more information about how you have set up Xibo (Custom or Docker, CMS version)

Many Thanks.