CMS user login problem

Sorry Alex this command removes permanently the table, CMS system recreates it automatically?

I deleted the session table but now I can’t enter with no users, even administrator!

Please help me!!!



TRUNCATE session;

absolutely does not delete the table. It deletes the_contents_ of the table but leaves the table intact.

DROP TABLE session;

would drop the session table but you really mustn’t do that as - as you’ve discovered - you won’t be able to log in any longer at all.

You’ll need to restore the database from a backup and then truncate the session table as I originally said. I’m really sorry but I can’t help you if you go off running things other than what I’m suggesting - especially when they’re destructive.

I’m sorry alex unfortunately I don’ know MySQL syntax well (truncate in MS SQL means delete)… I did restore the empty table but unfortunately login access problem persists…I’m going crazy! :smile:

Lol TRUNCATE means exactly the same in MSSQL as MySQL. It simply deletes the contents of the table, not the table itself.

We never got the logs Dan requested

Can you please try the following:

Log in with your admin user
Turn on logging and switch to test mode
Go to the log page
Open a new browser (either a different browser, or incognito tab)
Navigate to the login page
In the admin browser window, select truncate
In the other browser login
In the admin browser window, refresh and take a screen shot

We really can’t help you without good logs. The screenshots you sent just show the CMS working properly. You need to make sure nobody else is using the CMS when you’re doing this so we just get the logs from the user login.

Ok I’ve done everything as suggested Dan…
repeats several times the DisplayList function until it times out …but no errors log. :frowning:

I don’t understand why you’re seeing Display List when you’re simply refreshing the login page in the other browser instance?

Can you get us access to the CMS to take a look? The URL from your screenshots doesn’t work for me from here. PM me whatever details we need please.

Before I try to login but with simply refreshing page is the same log… is a public third level domain…

Yeah. I’m afraid that link doesn’t work from here.

I asked to our service desk…I’ll know! thank you

Try now Dan


Your CMS still isn’t available externally I’m afraid.

Teamviewer connection? What do you think about it?

I think given 1.7.6 has been superseded by 1.7.7 and we’ve not had reports of others having issues with users created in 1.7.6 then it’s very likely something specific to your installation of PHP or MySQL or the configuration of those.

Spring Signage could have a look for you on a paid basis assuming you can get some reasonable remote access for us, but I don’t think it’s something I can tackle for you otherwise I’m afraid.

Unfortunately I’ve the same problem with new user created in 1.7.7 cms :frowning:

Ok please tell me what to do to activate the springsignage assistance, but I think I should activate a remote service on my Pc since the domain seems unreachable outside Italy…is it possible?

If you can open a support case by emailing we can discuss there.

Alex try now to connect to my website if you can, I discovered that domain was visible only from italy, now has been opened, thank you!

Yes I can see the CMS now.

I’m having similar problem, but I did not upgrade, just yesterday it was working normally, but today I can not log in to the CMS, and no error messages.
I already checked on my server and both apache and the database are running normally.
Can someone help me please?

Clear your browser cache and the session table in your database.

If that doesn’t resolve it, then see what updates have been applied to the server since this broke and work from there. If you need further help, please create your own topic for that.