Canva integration error

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version



I’m having trouble connecting my self-hosted Xibo CMS to Canva.

I’ve followed the procedure described here:

I’m also certain that the API calls are working, as I use them for everything else. However, when I try to connect Canva to my CMS, I consistently get the following error:

Do you have any ideas about this issue?

Of course, my CMS is reachable from the internet and only accessible through HTTPS, as configured here:

My web server redirects all attempts to access /api to /api/index.php?args, and /api/authorize to /api/authorize/index.php?args.

Are you using custom Windows server or Docker instalation?
Tell us more about your eviroment.

Check this topics:

Thank you for your feedback!

My Xibo installation is a non-Docker installation:

OS: Debian 12
Web Server: Nginx
Database: MariaDB
PHP: FPM version 8.2

Regarding the installation of certificates, it has already been done. Moreover, API calls work correctly with the “Client Credentials Grant” method (as I use it for other purposes). Only the “Authorization Code Grant” method seems to be affected by the issue.

In my NGINX configuration, there is nothing restrictive in terms of access restrictions from source IPs, and I have proper redirections in place for /api and /api/authorize, as follows:

location /api/authorize {
    try_files $uri /api/authorize/index.php?args;

location /api {
    try_files $uri /api/index.php?$args;