API Call through Postman

You will want to use the following call - Swagger UI

Which let you assign view, edit, delete permissions to specified entity for specified user or user group.

To avoid issues/confusion, please read my explanation below.

Each user has it’s own unique GroupId (user specific user group) in the above call you can use that or GroupId of an actual user Group.

Each display has it’s own unique displayGroupId (display specific displayGroup) you can use either that or displayGroupId of an actual displayGroup

Entity - in this example it will be displayGroup

ObjectId - in this call displays operate on displayGroupId (not the displayId), which means you’ll want to call GET display first to know what displayGroupId to use.

groupIds - it can be either user group groupId (visible in web ui as well) or user specific groupId - you can use GET /user call to find the user specific groupId if needed.

The call itself will be as follows:

POST /user/permissions/{entity}/{objectId}


objectId:6 (displayGroupId, display specific or actual displayGroup)


where 11 is the GroupId (user specific or actual userGroup), 1|0 flag to grant permissions to [view] [edit] [delete] actions.

Thanks for the details. We have successfully call the API for “Display permission assign to user group”.

We have successfully configured xibo 1.8.1 setup & we are able to call all required APIs.

Now we want to upgrade our existing CMS from version v1.7.8 to v1.8.1.

Kindly provide the guidelines or share the link of any available article in this regards

Please see this manual page - http://xibo.org.uk/manual/en/upgrade.html

Then follow instructions either in Switching to Docker or Custom/Manual installations sections depending if you want to use docker or different environment.

Docker guide and requirements for manual installation are linked to that page as well.

Having Same issue. Page not found.
Cannot get access token from api.
Using Version 1.8.1 on IIS 8.5 PHP 5.6 …

I checked;
IIS url rewrite rules, they all importted from .htaccess as guided


IIS max querystring size : its 4096
Open Debug mode, see the POST error, page not found. no more details as the sshot.

Set everything as you guide for Postman :

What you offer for me next??
The other functions of CMS is working fine.

I think I made a mistake with your preset Postman settings file. But I could get access token by Postman s own “Get New Access Token” option.

it could get token, and we can use token without problem.

Interesting, I’m not quite sure why it didn’t work for you before - the url rewriting rules seems to be correct.

Let me know if you encounter issues with any other calls etc - if it won’t be related to something already discussed in this topic, please open a new one, as this one is already rather long.

I think Postmans own Request Token option uses its own server and get access token by its server. I need to manage those as you guide. And also need to make it from c#.

Found the problem !! :slight_smile:
You must select one of the Authorization methods, Selected Basic without any value. It works…
I will also send API usage from .net application in another post.