I run xibo on my personal CMS.
I’ve difficulties to activate the licence on the android client.
On CMS the email address is set (licence pool)
What’s wrong ?
I run xibo on my personal CMS.
I’ve difficulties to activate the licence on the android client.
On CMS the email address is set (licence pool)
What’s wrong ?
mmm, so:
The display licence that you assign to your displays there (both Android and Windows) are required for those devices to connect and receive content from CMS.
Now, while Windows clients don’t require anything else, Xibo for Android does (after initial 14 days trial) this is our commercial player which require paid licence (again after trial).
More details:
unlicencing the player from https://springsignage.com/portal/android/pool/ has solved my issue.
oh so you had the XfA licence, sorry then yes if it’s a new device then you’d need to unlicence your old one first (or purchase additional licence).
Alternatively that message can be shown even when you have licences available, most common cause for that is incorrect date/time settings on the device.
XfA licence ?
The date/time settings are correct on the device. Ebery time I restart the device I have to recheck the licence.
Can I avoid this behaviour if I use the offline activation method ?
XfA - Xibo for Android, paid licence that I mentioned in my previous post.
So, each time you restart your device it says it can’t find your licence and is on a trial licence?
Or is it a problem with CMS connection (display licence) as I’ve explained those two are separate.
You have one Xibo for Android licence in your licence pool that is currently assigned to your device, so that seems to be fine on our end.
Since the problems start after reboot, I think you could try to increase “Start delay for device start up” to at least 120s, perhaps more and see if that will help.
It is in display settings -> edit display profile assigned to your device -> advanced tab - > Start delay for device start up
the problem recurred . The only way I found to register the android client was to delete the license from the license manager on https://springsignage.com/portal/login and remake a license verification from the client. I’ve increased the “start delay start up” to 240s.
How can I do to avoid this problem again ?
That’s rather odd.
So the delay start up, it helps when people have ‘quite a few’ devices that are cycling the same MAC addresses.
In your case and only one device, even if it does change the MAC on each reboot it should be ok - and with delay even more so.
You definitely shouldn’t need to unlicence / check licence each time your device changes the MAC address.
If it happens again please open support ticket with Spring Signage.