We are attempting an upgrade from 1.7.8 to 1.8.9 and have become stuck on the step “Upgrade Layouts - Convert existing Layouts”. We noticed some others having issues at this step and a recommended solution was to increase the PHP Max Execution (Update from 1.7.9 to 1.8.2). Does this need to be done on the server or an individual container? Also, about how long would you expect to upgrade approx 100 layouts? It timed out on us during one attempt after close to 30 min.
Are you upgrading and switching to docker or is it manual installation on a webserver?
Hello Peter,
It is an upgrade and switch to docker from a previous manual installation.
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Hello All,
Just checking in on if there is any further advice on this? This is an upgrade and switch to Docker. The main questions we have are where and to what the php_max_execution needs to be increased (both the server and container values were higher than default already), and how long is appropriate for roughly 100 layouts to convert (we timed out after 30 mins).