Zenomq problems (wampserver - win10 64 - android tv)

Hi, I have a cms system installed on wampserver 3.1.4 on a my windows 10 64 bit computer.

I transmit information to 4 boxes android box in a local network.

I have problems with Zeromq since it does not send the commands to the boxes and it gives me the following error: ZeroMQ is required to send Player Actions. Please check your configuration.

XMR Private Address http://localhost:5555

XMR Public Address tcp://

“ZeroMQ ! ZeroMQ is used to send messages to XMR which allows push communications with player”

The error would suggest that Zeromq is either not installed or not configured correctly. Below is a link to the XMR installation Guide:


In your original message, the XMR Private Address is set to http://localhost:555. You will need to change the http:// to tcp:// instead.

Many Thanks.