Youtube stream cant find flash player 1.7.9/1.7.6

No luck here since the start of term just the wheel of death, any luck your end?

Hello @bobdigby. Everything is fine here. Where we are streaming, we are using Windows 10. My superiors are considering streaming from a different source (i.e. not YouTube).

Nope, still knackered when using a windows 7 machine. Great.!topic/youtube/VQYwDynUqTM

Looks like it’s all over for Youtube embeds on Windows 7.

Thanks @executiverocker looks like we will have to upgrade :frowning: Cheers for finding the page though

I see, that would indeed mean YouTube embedding will work on W8.1+ only.

While it’s unfortunate to all Windows 7 users, it’s certainly good to know why it suddenly stopped working.

Hi ,

FYI, i already play youtube video using XIbo Player for Windows,
And as far as i know if we using Xibo Player For Windows, it was based on .Net.
Regarding to development progress on youtube,
and after i made several testing , it seems Xibo Player when playing Youtube need some of part IE 11 library

So … perhaps if you can upgrade your IE 8 to 11 on windows 7 , maybe it’ll be works

Thank you