XMR setup: Private address?

The problem with the XMR setup.
We use the server without Docker on VPS hosting with fixed IP and DNS-name. Player on Win10.

Screenshots from the player and the server in the attachment:

Player reports: “XMR Status - Connected. Waiting for messages.”
However, there is no possibility to obtain a copy of the screen from the player upon request.
I don’t quite understand what “XMR Private address”, why it where is not in version for Docker.

What should we to do and write in our case?
Maybe this is important: we have two copies of the CMS on different subdomains of the main site, each with its own root directory and its own database, but external IP is the same. One of them is demo version, another - working version.

So the correct values to fill in will depend on how you’ve configured your XMR server.

If you’re running it on the same computer as the CMS (and it is running), then you need to see what ports you’ve configured the public and private connections to use.

You can then work out what to fill in in the CMS.

XMR Private Address isn’t there in a Docker CMS because we know that’s always going to be the container attached to the system, and so it’s pre-filled for you in that scenario.

So, what have you got in your XMR configuration file?

In CMS configuration:

“listenOn”: “tcp://”,
“pubOn”: [“tcp://demo.melna.ru:9505”],
“debug”: true

Command “php xmr.phar” output next text:
[2017-10-17 16:37:15] xmr.INFO: Starting up - listening for CMS on tcp:// [] []
[2017-10-17 16:37:15] xmr.INFO: Bind to tcp://demo.melna.ru:9505 for Publish. [] []
[2017-10-17 16:37:15] xmr.ERROR: Failed to bind the ZMQ: No such device [] []
[2017-10-17 16:37:15] xmr.ERROR: #0 [internal function]: ZMQSocket->bind(‘tcp://demo.meln…’) #1 phar:///var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar/vendor/react/zmq/src/React/ZMQ/SocketWrapper.php(114): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 phar:///var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar/index.php(75): React\ZMQ\SocketWrapper->__call(‘bind’, Array) #3 phar:///var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar/index.php(75): React\ZMQ\SocketWrapper->bind(‘tcp://demo.meln…’) #4 /var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar(10): require(‘phar:///var/www…’) #5 {main} [] []
[2017-10-17 16:41:13] xmr.INFO: Starting up - listening for CMS on tcp:// [] []
[2017-10-17 16:41:13] xmr.INFO: Bind to tcp://demo.melna.ru:9505 for Publish. [] []
[2017-10-17 16:41:13] xmr.ERROR: Failed to bind the ZMQ: No such device [] []
[2017-10-17 16:41:13] xmr.ERROR: #0 [internal function]: ZMQSocket->bind(‘tcp://demo.meln…’) #1 phar:///var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar/vendor/react/zmq/src/React/ZMQ/SocketWrapper.php(114): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 phar:///var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar/index.php(75): React\ZMQ\SocketWrapper->__call(‘bind’, Array) #3 phar:///var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar/index.php(75): React\ZMQ\SocketWrapper->bind(‘tcp://demo.meln…’) #4 /var/www/html/demo.melna.ru/vendor/bin/xmr.phar(10): require(‘phar:///var/www…’) #5 {main} [] []

Your config.json is wrong. The software is telling you it can’t bind to an interface called demo.melina.ru as I suspect your computer doesn’t have a network interface with that name.

You can either set:

"pubOn": ["tcp://"],

To listen on all network interfaces, or you can set the IP address or name of one of your network interfaces to bind to just that one interface. If you want to bind to two or more interfaces, but not all, you can simply add to the pubOn array and we will bind to all the interfaces you say:

"pubOn": ["tcp://", "tcp://"],


"pubOn": ["tcp://eth0:9505", "tcp://eth2:9505"],

for example.

From the Player side, as long as tcp traffic going to demo.melna.ru port 9505 ends up getting to the interface XMR is listening on, then that is already configured correctly.

If you’re doing a custom installation, it’s for you to decide how you will run XMR.

If you run with Docker, it’s all handled for you. As you’ve chosen not to use that, then it’s for you to put something in place.

I’d suggest running it either as a startup item, or as a scheduled task (that runs on computer startup).

XMR has to stay running. If you close it, it won’t work any longer.