XMR Error "Please check your configuration."


when i try to issue an command i get the following error message:

I configured and installed ZeroMQ after setting up Xibo itself.

Used versions are PHP 5.5, CMS 1.8.1 and Windows Client 1.8.1 running on a Windows Server 2012R2x64 with Apache.

Php loads the php_zmq extension without errors.

I changed the config.json to:
“listenOn”: “tcp://”,
“pubOn”: [“tcp://”],
“debug”: true
and in the CMS Settings i set
XMR Private Address to tcp://
XMR Public Address to tcp://

The Xibo Client says “XMR Status: Connected to tcp://”.

Is there something else i ned to configure or to check?

Thank You

If you go to Report Fault page what’s there next to ZeroMQ please?
It seems that’s not correctly installed or just is not enabled in php.ini (or you haven’t restarted your web server perhaps?).

Sorry my fault :slight_smile: There is showing an ! so the problem should not be Xibo.

Do you have some propsals how to test where the error is?

If i issue “php -m” it’s listing php_zmq.dll and there are no errors in the PHP-log.

Also i checked already with phpinfo if the correct php.ini is loaded from Apache.

Thank You

The problem was that the “libzmq.dll” needs to be foundable via the PATH environment variable.