Xibo White label is not applied to new cms

Dear Sir,

I have purchased the xibo white label license and downloaded the theme as well. I have followed the instructions correctly place the theme folder in the ‘shared/cms/web/theme/“ThemeName”’
where “ThemeName” is my theme name and copied the user manual as well in the specified location
but unfortunately, I am unable to see my theme name in the Settings > configuration page drop down list…
I had also tried to execute the MySQL query but it shows error “Fatal error no theme exist”. I am facing too much trouble in this please help me out.

UPDATE setting SET value = ‘digisign’, userSee = 0 WHERE setting = ‘GLOBAL_THEME_NAME’ ;

Could you please create a new support ticket with Spring Signage about this problem? https://support.springsignage.com/open.php

In the ticket please specify what installation you have and what have you done so far.

There is no need to create multiple topics about the same issue.

Thanks for your timely response.