Xibo V 4.0.1 Bugs

I installed Xibo V4.0.1 (PHP 8.1) (Upgraded from Xibo version 3.7) and now having a few bugs in Xibo.
(It’s my test version next to the version I run the screens on). I also made a clean copy of all the files to be sure the files are ok on my server.

Rss Ticker

I always used the ticker with a custom seperator between the titles. Now I cannot add the seperator, so the title’s are seperated with a space.

Embedded HTML

I had some embedded HTML running but it isn’t working anymore. When I ad it the html code isn’t saved. And I get a error that says that the reference to the library doesn’t exist?

Calendar widget

I miss the default layout from Xibo v3. Can I still use it though?

Mastodon widget not showing photo’s on screen

In the preview og the layout I see the images downloaded from Mastodon. On my screen the images are not displayed…

Edit layouts at widgets

I was used to have the possibility to edit the layout of the widgets I use to customize it. This was the way to add the seperator in the RSS Ticker for example. I can find this function anymore in Xibo for all of the widgets.

Thank you for reporting these issues - can I ask a few questions please?

Do you mean when you have a marquee effect? Are you using elements or a static template?

Can you provide the HTML so we can try it?

If you preview the layout in the CMS, are the photos shown in the preview? Or it is only shown in the Layout Editor?

I’m sorry, what do you mean by this?

Sorry what do you mean here?

I did some research and learned that we can now work with elements (calendar title, Time, etc), but that’s only possible on a layout. How can I get elements in a playlist then?

If you need more information, I can send it ofcourse

Ah I see - you used to be able to specify that manually in the template, and now you can’t. I’ve opened an issue for us to track that.

Thank you - I have created an issue for this. In the meantime you can put the HTML bit (all the way up to <script>) into your HTML to embed field. And the code inside your <script> in the HEAD content to embed field.

Most users do not know about HTML/CSS/etc and having these options in the editor created a lot of confusion. We now have developer tools for creating templates which have HTML/CSS/JS capabilities (more powerful than before), and for users we have elements.

Elements are not available inside playlists, only on the main layout.

Widgets are upgraded in a background process after the upgrade is finished. This is done using the “Tasks” system. You will see a task has been created called “Widget Compatibility”. When this task runs it upgrades all of your existing widgets to their new equivalent.

Are you sure that your installation has the task runner being executed properly?

Does the new elements system allow you to do what you want to do with calendar (the same as if you’d made minor adjustments to the CSS).

Thanks for your answers!

I tried to add the embedded html like you said but that doesn’t work either. Have you tested it?

Dit you also looked at the Mastodon-widget? I get no images on my screens, I see them in the cms preview only.

I looked at the developer tools like you said, where can I find a manual how to use the tools?

I don’t know what its supposed to look like, but I did get the same in v3 and v4 (some text on screen), and no error saving the widget.

Looking again I get Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'var' in both versions.

We have some initial documentation here: Creating a Module - Widgets | Xibo Digital Signage. This is going to see a lot of improvement over the next few days and weeks. I’ll add a guide for making simple template adjustments and come back to you.

I haven’t had time yet, I will do so today. Is your display showing as green in the display admin?

No it’s red, I see that the font’s won’t get downloaded to the screen, don’t know why

Sorry it definitely doesn’t work for me in v3, is this exactly how you have it input?

The mastodon widget doesn’t work for me until I force clear the display cache. I’ve created an issue for that here:

Embedded HTML:

I found that Xibo generates script tags itself, so I removed the script tags for the section “HEAD content to embed” and now it works for this way.

HTML Package

I tried to make a HTML package to test, but it won’t work and I can’t found a manual to see if I made it right.

I made a file “index.html” with in de the file the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


<p>Test met html pakketje</p>


I save the file and zip it. Then I rename the file to .htz and upload it to Xibo.
But when I insert it in a layout it won’t display:


I have the screen now green in the cms, so that’s nice.

Mastodon Widget:

I see the time in the Mastodonwidget noted as: 2023-09-13T13:02:23.190Z
How can I change that? I have a time notation in the widget but don’t see it on screen.

Thank you, we will fix that:

HTML package widget does not preview on the CMS, so you won’t be able to see it. It should get unpacked on the player and opened in the web engine for that player type.

We have a bug for that too:

I installed my player again (v4, newest) and noticed that version 4 is not as stable as version 3. It is doiing it’s job now. But I had a lot of errors. When they come back I upload the log.

Then I saw that the bug that the date on the mastodon widget is fixed and I changed the files that are changed on github but I still got the date unformatted. Do I mis something or do I need to wait for version 4.0.4 of the cms?

Hello dfeenstra,

I have the same problem as you with displaying the weather widget.
How did you solve the problem?
Did you split the code in 2?
The HTML part in “HTML Embed” and the script part in “HEAD content to embed” without "
Best regards,

Hello Alain Lellig,

Yes I split the code in 2, the HTML part in “HTML embed” and the script without the “” tags in de HEAD content to embed.

In version 4.0.4 this is fixed, and you can put the script in the script part with the script tags.

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I installed the cms v 4.0.4 but still have the problem that the date / time is not formatted, for example in the metro widget of Mastodon. Some Mastodon widgets/elements have the date formatted. Also the images are still not loaded on the player.

I installed the cms v 4.0.4 and the images in the RSS feed are not showing in the Windows player, while
the images are showing in the preview. The Titles are working fine. I use the RSS test feed below.


This is the result in the Windows Player:

I installed a new pc with Windows 11 and the newest player and see that the playlist is not loaded correctly. I see the errors:

. Cache not ready
. Cannot find requiredFiles.xml (File is on the library folder on this pc)

Somethimes i get the player working by resetting many times or loading the layout again (checkout and publish). Then if it is loading I see no images at the mastodon widget and still no time formatted too. Somethimes the rss feed is loading, somethimes not…

I also installed the cms (4.0.4) complete fresh and still have this problems. Even with versio 3 of the player. In version 3 cms I have no problems. So i’m not upgrading yet cause this is feeling to buggy.
Please help.

I need help, please give a reaction

I requested a free Xibo demo from the website to check my player and layout. It seems the demo is even bad as my own cms. The layout won’t play, cache not ready, etc.

So please give me some help, and for the users, don;t use Xibo 4 for production yet.