Hi all,
Hope somebody can help with this weird issue. I’ve done a new Xibo docker v.1.8.1 installation on a Windows 10 Pro x64 bit computer. It works fine and all content is working fine with the layouts. When I schedule it becomes more tricky.
I made dayparting scenarios and use these with the admin user and also use the admin user for scheduling since there is the bug with dayparting. So there is a day, night and midnight scenario and I use the repeat function (tried daily and hourly) and have not selected any date to expire. It works fine for one day but after that it’s stops working. On the schedule it seems, it does not replicate to other dates. If I only schedule one layout for the whole day it works fine and also replicates to other dates. There is no errors in the Windows log on the clients.
What can cause this and is there a solution? Best regards Kim.