I’m seeing an issue where when the Xibo default splash screen stays present and never loads the display.
The displays were working without issue last week and there has been no changes to how the display looks.
I’m seeing an issue where when the Xibo default splash screen stays present and never loads the display.
The displays were working without issue last week and there has been no changes to how the display looks.
Could you please let us know what CMS and player version are you using?
It would be good to see screenshot of status window on your player, should help us understand what’s wrong.
(press ‘i’ on your keyboard to show it - Windows client).
( top right on action bar, press ‘Status’ button - Android client).
Could you check if currently assigned defalult layout is valid in the CMS?
Check library paths ie
for CMS in CMS settings -> library path, it needs to be fully qualified path, please see ‘Library Location’ section of this post - Ticker RSS Custom Tag
For player, it would be probably best to leave it in the default path and see if that helps, default ie
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\Xibo Library
Could you also please open php.ini, find this line
always_populate_raw_post_data -1
and make sure it’s not commented out (no ;
before that line in php.ini)
restart your web server after this change.