I'm having a problem want to determine whether the bug of xibo or not?
My display is running xiboplayer. When i use "schedule now" for my display and check status of my display then give message is appearing "display is out date but has not yet checked in with the server". Only way to fix it is to shut down and reopen xiboplayer then CMS xibo has just show status updates "display is downloading new file" and take some time after the display will update new event, but then status of my display not show message " Display up to date".
I’ll move this topic to support section, since it’s definitely not a feature request.
As for your issue, could you tell us what’s your collection interval is set to? (display settings -> display profile)
Basically connection between CMS and the player seems to be fine (since you are able to ‘force’ the update by restarting the device) so every collection interval device should attempt to connect to CMS. In statuses it would be (!) after changes then wait for collection interval, status will change to (X) downloading content then it should be tick(checkmark) and device should be up to date - assuming it was able to download new content without problems.
Thank so much for your help.
I sets value Collection Interval is 30 for Display profiles "Windows". I've tried changing the value of the "Download Windows start time & Download Window End Time" returns the current time of the system but very difficult. It is the default value "00:00 31 December 1899". The only option on the picker is to increments by days.
I tried many times but failed. Xibo client not seem auto synchronized new event with xibo CMS when add new event into schedule, and CMS xibo can not update status “display is downloading new file”. something is wrong with me.
Have a nice day, Peter!
I see, with collection interval set to 30s, player should connect to the CMS every 30s to check if there is anything new to download.
As for the download window start/end time, this date doesn’t matter, time by default is set to 00:00:00 and 00:00:00 which means that download window is open all the time.
Could you please tell us which CMS/player version are you using?
Also it might be a good idea to show us a screenshot of status window on your device (press “i” while Xibo for Windows is running)
Thank you very much!!! My problem is resolve. I update xibo client v.1.7.4 and set value Collection Interval is 30 and don't need shutdown or reopen xibo client for auto update new event. ^_^. I'm very glad to meet you, Peter! :smile: . Feeling great! Thank you again for all of your help.