Xibo Linux on Raspberry PI

hi, when can we expect Xibo linux for raspberry pi?

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Our advice on the Raspberry Pi hasn’t changed - please see the FAQ: Can I run a Xibo Player on my Raspberry Pi (all variants)


Can we revisit this matter now the Pi 4 has landed…

  • Tested and still ‘nope’
  • Needs testing
  • Got it working
  • …?

Here is an update how i got Xibo working on my Raspberry PI 3, This is not supported by the Xibo team, so forget support!!!

For me its working fine on Raspbian buster, but you need to build everything from Scratch :slight_smile:
Forget it for showing videos, but where i use it we do only show Images that is uploaded to Xibo, and showing web pages… so its working great! The version 1.8R4 is not bloating the CPU and memory either!

What you need to do is look in the Docker file (open in notepad), this tells you everything you need to Download and install manually (do not use docker), to be able to compile the Xibo Client.

Then you need to replace [HardwareKeyGenerator.cpp]
(located here: player/common/system/HardwareKeyGenerator.cpp)

Here is a copy of the one i use ( Thanks to user Supermanu)

And you will need to compile the client with the following command:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSNAP_BUILD=OFF -H. -B_build
cd _build

I also got Xibo working on a Pi Zero W… Hardware key was and issue…but I just removed the cpuid function. In order to compile on the Pi Zero, the /etc/dphys-swapfile needs to be edited to increase the swap size…and stdc++fs needs to be added to the cmake library files to compile