Xibo Displays - DataTables warning


In the Google chrome (Version 72.0.3626.81 64-bit) and Firefox (Version 65.0 64-bit) browsers I receive error about DataTables and no results. We are using Xibo version 1.8.11.

DataTables warning: table id=displays - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see 1. Warning: Invalid JSON response

I can access the http://localhost:xxxx/display/view from Internet explorer browsers fine.

Thank you for the screenshots and links. The http://datatables.net/tn/1 link provides more information about the issue and how to Diagnose it, have you opened the link and followed the instructions? If not,I would first recommend doing so.

Many Thanks.

OK, I followed the instructions with weird results. I copied the JSON out of the AJAX response as specified in the instructions using Firefox. Firefox indicate there is a syntax error with JSON (see screenshot). I used the JSONlint and JSON parson online both which indicated the JSON was valid. Any Ideas?

I’m experiencing the same issue,
I get the JSON error in Chrome, Internet Explorer and Edge display correctly.
Following the troubleshooting instructions, I also cannot find any issues with the request.

I’m also experiencing this problem. Same as above, I followed the guide to troubleshoot the JSON and it’s all valid.

Using Xibo Docker 1.8.11 in Docker.

Thank you for your message and sorry to hear you are also experiencing this issue. You mentioned that you are experiencing the same issue as the message above, can you confirm that you also do not receive the error in Edge or Internet Explorer? Can you also provide a screenshot of the developer tools showing the Response tab in the Ajax view after following the instructions in the link?

Can you also confirm that you are running the latest versions of the browsers?

Many Thanks.