I have several xibo client (ver 1.7.1) running in my site (Both Windows 7 and XP). After it start for several hours, the xibo client will become not resposding. I need to kill the process and restart the player. This situation keep happening daily.
Any Idea?
Best Regards,
Remarks : I test ver 1.7.3 in windows 7. The result is similar.
What type of content are you running? I know I’ve responded to a recent post (within the last week), of similar problems myself and another user are experiencing. I’m seeing similar symptoms but it’s only when running web content. 90% of what we run is web content, so Friday I implemented a scheduled task to terminate then restart the xibo client every 12 hours. This will fit well in my environment till the IE memory problem is resolved. I can say that other content that does not use IE (non web content) has been running like a champ on version 1.7.1, 1.7.2, and 1.7.3.
One of the content is TV Streaming (i.e. with VLC enabled). We need to stream TV in our signage. We don’t enable CEF by default.
Sometimes it will hang after one hours and sometimes it can be run over 7 hours before it hang. There is no application and system event log found so we don’t have idea where the problem is.
I have not tried streaming TV content via VLC, but there is an event log. When working from the display itself (keyboard and mouse attached or via something like VNC), press ‘i’ . This will bring up an information screen with information. You can achieve the same thing while in your CMS web UI. Click on displays and to the far right click on the drop down and select recent log.
Are you streaming via some sort of embedded web widget? (and therefore using web content). Or are you using the local video module to consume your stream?
I am experiencing the same issue where my Xibo Client will freeze or the embedded web content will not refresh or load after few hours or so.
I currently have a machine that has a Black Magic Design Intensity Shuttle takign a STBox cable feed and I am using FFmpeg with dshow to stream to the machine itself using a precompiled NGINX RTMP module server.
I then use the embedded web content and place an iframe that points to local host with a webpage that has my video-js player and html code to listen to the nginx server. I notice it takes Xibo about 2 minutes to start the stream feed where as if I just open a browser and access my local webpage it loads in 3 seconds. To stop Xibo from crashing with content refresh, I set the regions duration to 10,000 days and placed HTTP META Refresh in the header of my pages to refresh. The video will freeze occasionally but it is more stable than it was before.
Is my only option to make a windows service that restarts Xibo Player every 12 hours or so ?
That’s very likely at least part of your problem. That’s way outside the design spec. Try setting it to say 24 hours or 12 hours or something more reasonable.
You could use the watchdog to do that (a service that shipped with the application that does that - there are instructions for using it in the manual).
It sounds like the component you are embedding is leaking memory when it finishes - as it finishes more often, more memory is leaking.
You could try and use the experimental CEF integration. The way browser processes are managed is different, which should prevent this memory leakage.
We are now using procdump to monitor the player not responding issue. In case player not responding, a dump file will be generated. Next we use another schedule job(i.e vb script and run every 1 min) to monitor the generation of this dump file. And it will restart the program if it found the dump file.
The player machine will be turn off every night and turn on next morning (Run around 16 hours per day). We found that the HANG situation is just happened around 1 to 2 per day(Not all the machine will hit this situation. So it become better now.