Xibo 3.0.0 Install erro: web/install/1/install/install/

I’m having trouble installing xibo in a web hosting environment. My xibo is in a subdirectory that I defined with the name plugy, however when I access the path for installation: / plug / web / it redirects to the install folder and presents the following error:
web / install / 1 / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install / install /install/install/install/ 1

I checked that it could be something related to .htaccess but I have already changed the path of #RewriteBase /plugy / and even then the error remains, I would like a help from friends on the forum.

I am getting this same error and like the original post have yet to find a way around, so any assitance would be welcomed.

Estou com o mesmo problema

You should not have web in the URL and only the contents of the web directory should be exposed.
You would need to change the webserver root directory or use an alias as explained in our documentation. Please refer to the Prepare your Environment admin manual page.

In order to test the latest version of cms and find out about new features, I decided to go ahead and get started.

I scrupulously followed the methods explained in the deployment guide in the Apache environment under Linux server 20.04 LTS, however I have a problem during my installation.

Here are the following parameters:

  • Xibo CMS archive, unzipped in /home/$user/xibocms
  • Symbolic link from /home/$user/xibocms/web to /var/www/xibocms

The www-data rights are well done as well as the recursive chmod 755.

I have in the apache config the mod alias activated as well as the following instruction:
Alias /xibocms /var/www/xibocms/web

<Directory /var/www/xibocms/web>
AllowOverride All
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
Order allow, deny
Allow from all
Require all granted

I took care to set the rewrite rule in the .htaccess file as follows:
RewriteBase /xibocms

Despite the scrupulous following of your instructions, nothing works, I still observe the same behavior: infinite redirection of the installation url generating a browser error explaining to me that the page is incorrectly redirected although I do not have “web” in the url address…

I precise I use Firefox last review and tried on chrome, safari, edge and ie11 with same behavior.

I ran out of tired and decided to reinstall totally my test server, clean all browsers cache, allow cookies…
It took at least 3 hours to deploy again all packets (apache, php, mysql and other…) with upgrades etc…

This morning I tried again but without success.
I went through the possibilities with aliases, document root etc … and I think I’ll end up pulling out the little hair I have left on my head at this rate :crazy_face:

I still specify that I am an admin and that I am used to this environment. Therefore, there is necessarily something that escapes me or there is an error that has crept into your installer.

Thanks for feedback.

@Jywebbs I use version 2.18.0
and when installing this version it works perfectly in my directory, the installation done in a sub folder called: TV that corresponds to the following domain: www.mydomian.com.br/tv/web/

and in this version the xibo works fully, but when I tried to install version 3.0 in the same environment it generated the mentioned errors.

I made the following change to the .htaccess as follows:

#RewriteBase plugy/

plugy would be the folder that the xibo is installed

was as follows:
plugy /web/install

In this scenario it presented the following error:

Check your logs. Likely Apache is setup to disallow serving from /home.

You might find it useful to look at how the Docker container is setup:

We don’t offer support for doing custom installs, so if you want to go that route, then the documentation tells you what you need to do, but we aren’t able to offer you assistance. Please use the recommended install method with Docker.

If you have web in the URL, then you have not setup the server correctly. The same is true for 2.x series as well. Please go back and look at the installation instructions which explain that you need to either change the document root, or use an alias.


You must not have RewriteBase /web/ anything. It’s broken, it’s not secure. It might work, but it’s wrong, and dangerous. Just don’t do it!


I confirm Apache server is Okay to serve folder from /home/$user if correct ACL defined in the right folder.
As I precised I created a symbolic link from the /web folder in the /var/www/xibocms and correctly activated the rewrite rule in the .htaccess file without success.

Despite all of this, I decided to create a new directory in /var/www/ including the whole archive.
I dropped the files there and created a symbolic link and configured everything as instructed in the manual, step by step to the root web folder. This came to nothing since the behavior remains the same.

It is therefore not possible for me currently to run version 3 RC2 under apache environment.

I went further by going to take a look at the errors of the “slim” framework on stack overflow and realize that these operating problems affect a lot of people and that certain modifications must be made within the parameters to correct certain problems appeared between the 3rd and 4th releases of this framework.

There is one of the possible solutions to configure in the Slim framework :
adding $app->setBasePath("/the_right_folder/to_work_on"); solved the issue on some users.

For the 3rd version of this framework, there is some modifications to add in the “dependancies.php” file to activate routes in a subfolder :

// Activating routes in a subfolder
$container['environment'] = function () {
    $scriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = dirname(dirname($scriptName)) . '/' . basename($scriptName);
    return new Slim\Http\Environment($_SERVER);

Due to specific needings here and big / deeper customization of the CMS frontend inside my company, we cannot use Docker solution.

Which brings me to my last question:

Does the installation via the Docker solution allow full interface customization from the login page to the dashboard, menu etc… and other features?
If you can confirm it to me, are these changes made via the skins / themes package as on previous versions? Are these solutions flexible as changing the entire appearance via .css and other files?

If it is possible to completely customize the appearance and certain behaviors of the CMS via personalized theme, in this case I will opt for the Docker solution which seems to me to be THE solution to consider from now on.

Thanks for feedback

The Docker containers we provide run the current CMS code under Apache. It is 100% possible. There is no need to modify anything in the CMS code.

Yes - you can do anything with a Docker install that you “should” be doing with any other kind of install - ie you can apply a theme to it, and that theme can customise the twig files, css, images etc. You can also load middleware if needed.

Estou tentando atualizar meu XIBO da versão 2.3.10 para versão 3.0 mas está dando o mesmo erro indicado incialmente.

Meu Xibo está instalado em ambiente WEB na internet em um servidor locado e que não usa DOCKER

web / install / 1 / install / install / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / 1

não sou programador e provavelmente a maioria aqui também não é, e gostaria de uma explicação um pouco mais simples do que devemos fazer para atualizar da versao 2.3 para o 3.0.

Na versão 2.3.10 eu fiz mesmo procedimento para a instalação e não deu nenhum problema.

Agradecemos a atenção!

como nao colocar WEB na URL se a pasta INSTALL está dentro dela?

Initially I apologize for the possible errors in English, my native language is Portuguese. I resolved this issue as follows.

I created a sub domain.


That way I installed the script correctly without having given the error.
I believe that xibo was not created to be installed in a sub folder

olá poderia me ajudar a fazer a instalação do xibo 3.0.0 estou travando nesta tela de / install / install / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar / instalar /

Tenta instalar em um subdominio…
com por exemplo: subdominio.meudominio.com.br

Tentei por subdominio mais o erro persiste.

i can setup on any server you can reach me by skpe bhupinder.kumar111

Hi guys., i had the same issue, and to fix it i had to edit the .htacces on /web folder and add .* on all {REQUEST_URI} lines.

{REQUEST_URI} ^/install/.*$

{REQUEST_URI} ^.* /install/.*$

Probably on that line (install) will be enough, but i changed on all lines, just to be safe, and it worked for me.

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i typed the url path localhost/xibo/web/install/index.php/1 and then proceeded