XIBO 1.8.3 Windows Client - Virus infection detected

Hello I have a Problem on a Windows Client with XIBO. Our Virus Scan dedected the XIBO.exe as Virus.

Here is the scan of our Antivirus Software:
Date: 2018-02-08 08:51:26+01:00
Host: Infoscreen-PC (, fe80::7dd7:2808:1634:c791%11) Computer name: INFOSCREEN-PC User account: Infoscreen-PC\Infoscreen
Product: F-Secure Anti-Virus (OID:
Severity: security alert (5)
Message: Bösartiger Code in Datei C:\Program Files (x86)\Xibo Player\XiboClient.exe gefunden.
Infektion: Gen:Variant.MSILPerseus.144953
Aktion: Die Datei wurde unter Quarantäne gestellt.

Is this just false positive or is it possible that xibo is infected?
Please let me know if there are some further information about virus infections with xibo…

Same here, our F-Secure is spewing out mails about infected xibo.scr on all of the clients i’ve installed it on … i suspect it’s a just a false positive? But would like a comment on this before i whitelist anything, cheers.

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here are the antivirus that detetct xibo player and src as a trojan

Emsisoft--------->Gen:Variant.MSILPerseus.144953 (B)
thank you for confirming that this is a false positive to whitelist the application

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Yes indeed it has to be false positive, I’m slightly surprised that so many Anti-virus software detects it as dangerous though, there isn’t much we can do about it unfortunately.

Thank you so much for your information. I already whitlisted the Xibo.exe and .scr in our F-Secure Policies.