Xibo 1.8.2 layout preview errors

Hello guys,

I’m using Xibo 1.8.2 within XAMPP for Windows 5.6.30 on a Windows 7 Pro 64bit. Installation and configuration were easy, but I can’t see the previews of my layouts including the default layout. My player is showing all layouts without errors. I’m using Firefox 56.

In my PDF layout I see the following error in the console:

  • PDF preview is enabled under admin settings
  • layout designer: background image is shown but the PDF not
  • for Xibo installation it was necessary to edit the htaccess file in xibo/web folder like in this post

What is wrong? Thx in advance, Robert :slight_smile:

To preview the layouts I would recommend using Google Chrome.

Given the path name I would suspect that your .htaccess file is not configured quite right.

Hi, I tested it with Google Chrome. Same result.

What do you mean with the .htaccess file? This is my config:

Xibo files are located here: C:\xampp\htdocs\xibo

The Chrome console shows 404 errors (file not found) for the pdfjs, but the background image is loaded :dizzy_face:

It works now. I rewrote the htaccess file.

Thank you cslaughter :+1:

Your Welcome. Glad you got it working.