Windows update pop ups

Hello I started a year ago to work with xibo but after a time of working with Windows I get a pop ups. I would like to know if you have any configuration for Windows or any other alternative. I will thank her.

You can manage your Windows Updates in the Windows Settings dedicated to it, you can also specify the active hours etc which should mean that Windows will not attempt to install updates / restart your PC during that time.

You can also disable notifications about it, however if your PC has not enough disk space for the upgrades (like in your screenshot) such notifications might still be displayed (I’m not 100% sure about that never had that problem I’m afraid).

Failing that you can set those options and active hours in windows registry / group policy (Windows might not let you change all those settings in any other way). The Microsoft Knowledgebase has the information you need for that.

thank you for helping me try to do all the steps I found on the web. Microsoft also took control remotely removing the automatic updates and the pop-up window is still coming out. I think I’ll have to update mandatory.