Windows Screensaver and monitor sleep

Hi all

When I run the screensaver it seams to disable the monitors ability to go to sleep?
I would like to set the screensaver of all computer in production to a xibo layout, but I still need the displays to go to sleep after a set time to save some life of the displays and not all the machines are used all the time.

Have I missed something?

All advice is appreciated.


I assume you’ve configured your Windows power plan to sleep the monitor after a time?

If I choose any other screensaver then Xibo the monitor goes to sleep as it should.

I get that you normally not want the monitor to got sleep if you are running the xibo client, but I would like the option to choose :slight_smile:

I’ve logged it as an issue for you here:

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Well I don’t have any friends…
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Dan’s added an option so you can control this.

You’ll need to patch your 1.7.7 CMS with the following patch:

It defaults to on. You’ll need to create a display settings profile which you assign to your screensaver Displays with the Prevent Sleep option unticked.

I’ll PM you a link to a 1.7.8 pre-release MSI which will respond to that setting.

Now that life, work and everything else not Xibo is out of the way I’ve got the chance to upgrade my CMS and clients to 1.7.8. :slight_smile:

I love that the settings is on the CMS side.
I’ve now tried it on 16 clients and they all work as excepted, great job. :clap:

I noticed something funny about the screensaver thou.

I’ve always installed the screensaver thru GPO in my networks by running it as install (you can right click the xibo.scr and choose install to do it manually).
This have worked fine on other screensavers, you just need standard admin rights and not the elevated kind and the *.scr file stays in the folder it came from.

If I do the same with xibo.scr from the xibo player folder under program files, manually or thru a GPO, it is set as the default screensaver works great, until I or someone change the screensaver and click OK.
If you then go back to screensaver configuration there is no xibo screensaver installed anymore?

I’ve solved the problem by copy the xibo.scr to the windows folder, need the elevated admin rights and it’s never good practice to install to the windows folder

Just something you can have in the back of your head if the screensaver is updated :wink: