Windows Player - Multi Install ERROR

Hello everyone
I’ve really been having issues after updating multiple systems so I only have one PC with multiple players in buildings. I run for: and it has always worked in the past on version 1.7 Today I run Version 1.8.13 and no I think users will not use the new layouts so we stick to Version 1.8.13.
The problem is only it does not work with Windows Player - Multi Install. It only starts one player. In addition to the guide I am in and change the display id so it is not the same on client 1 and 2. There is also another error in under: Navigate inside the Watchdog subfolder, edit the app.config file, set the ClientLibrary to be the library folder you’ve configured above and set the ProcessPath to be the path to the renamed XiboClient2.exe. app.config file is not in the folder any more?

Are there others who have this problem, or am I doing something completely wrong? I have run many walls in the past and it has worked fine. Is this guide out of date? can it no longer work, or is there an updated guide I do not know about? Really hope you can help.


Have you checked to ensure that each player has a different port for the embedded webserver (as per the last paragraph of the guide)?
For newer players we provide multiple builds (Screen Two, Screen Three) etc, so you can install those and follow the webserver port information without having to use the rest of the instructions.

The app.config file will be called XiboClientWatchdog.exe.config

Also it is important to note that you should really be using 1.8.14 as the latest Player as this version has the parts needed to enable TLS 1.2 support. A 1.8.13 will not work with Cloud after July, please see this blog here for further information: Xibo Cloud TLS 1.0 / 1.1 deprecation
If you are not on Cloud, more providers are turning off TLS 1.0 so you are likely to encounter an issue.


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