Hi. When I have been trying to explore CMS 1.8.4 to 1.8.9 I noticed that while using webpage in a layout, the page does not show up the content to its 100%. It shows up within a auto fixed size of the box whether I set the page to best fit or manual, it shows the page within the box and the box size does not change. This happens both in the layout preview and browser preview.
[Is it the same in other browsers?] ->Yes it is same with other browsers too.
[Presumably that region with the webpage is bigger than that?]-> Yes the actual webpage is bigger than what you can see within that box. (The web URL provided for the above screenshot is https://xibo.org.uk/manual/en/media_datasets.html) I guess https does not preview. Not sure about this.
[Is it the same on the player as well?]–> No it is not same on the player. The page displays 100% when scheduled on player. This was tested using Intranet http site. My main goal is to display an intranet page. But this does not preview on web browser and just plays fine on player.
FYI, am testing this on CMS 1.8.9