Video will not play on Minix Neo x5

I have 7 clients - six of which are android. 2 are minix neo x5 units from the recommended android hardware page. When I was on Xibo 1.5 all the units would play video files. After I upgraded to 1.7 about a year ago I noticed I couldn’t play video files anymore - even videos I had previously successfully used. I figured it was just errors with new 1.7 clients and it would get worked out. Occasionally after upgrading my android clients I have checked video playback. I am now running the 1.7_R59 android client. I can get video to successfully play on other units such as the minix neo x7 mini or neo x8-h. However I still cannot get the videos to play on the minix neo x5 devices. The videos will play just fine from a usb flash drive. However when I schedule it the Xibo the log file just says: Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/ What=1. Extra=0. I have even tried following the re-encode information from My video wont play properly - what is happening?. Still won’t play on the x5 devices.

Could you please tell me if you are using SurfaceView or TextureView to render videos in Xibo?
(it will be on the status screen)

If it’s showing just black box where the video suppose to be, it’s most likely this issue.
Which you can solve by using SurfaceView - display settings ->edit display profile -> troubleshooting tab-> use surface view…

It could be also a good idea to update the firmware on your x5 to the latest realsed by Minix.

It’s also worth trying the Use Public Storage option from the Player settings (and then choosing the first option in the list of storage locations). The early Minix X5 firmware can’t play videos off the private internal storage. That is mentioned in the article you link but the error you post suggests your files are on the private storage.

The “Use Public Storage” option got it working. Thanks! I will also look at upgrading my firmware.