Video quality on giant screen of 18548x1162

we use xibo for the management and playing of video on our screen giant resolution 18548x1162. but we are facing a lot of problems:
-poor quality of the videos on the screen.
-no fluency in video playback.
-video playback latency (a 2 minute video can be read over 4 minutes). and other difficulties.
your help is greatly requested. thank you so much

I think you should provide more information. Xibo is playing the video from a local device as if it was only on the device. Which mean if you giant screen resolution does not have enough video RAM is will not render the video smooth. Also if the video quality can stretch to your giant resolution is will have poor quality. example tryine to play a 720p in 4k stretch mode. If you provide information such as:

  • Player Hardware Spec (video ram, process, ram, type and maker)

  • Method of connecting your giant screen to the player hardware (hdmi, display port, or some type of video wall hardware

thank you for your reply.
the videos displayed on the screen are specially designed by our graphic designer, with the proportions of the screen.
-we use a server i7 32GB of RAM. 2 nvidea nvs 810 4GB each.
-the screen is connected to the server via hdmi rj45 adapter.

I remain at your disposal if you need more information

What operating system is this client running under - Windows/Linux?
What xibo version of xibo client?
Assuming windows does your specially designed video footage work correctly when using vlc or mpc-hc to play it?
What video format is used to encode your footage? (mp4, m2t , webm for instance)

The more information you provide the more chance someone can assist.

Hey Abdo!

A couple things that come to mind -

How’s your disk read speed? If it’s low, I can see this being a good bottleneck for a video of that size. I think you can check by plugging the video into vlc and looking at the bandwidth for the stream. But try the video on another device if you can, even if it’s not in a xibo display and is a laptop plugged into said display. It should help narrow down where the problem lives.

Checking the video without the xibo client, either as a direct download to an android device/windows machine, but using the same resolution will help a lot to see.

I’ll say now though, with all the displays we’ve used for Xibo, no matter the size, all problems stemmed from slow disk (junky sd cards) or a video issue we sussed out by playing the file bare and seeing it break. Xibo is solid :slight_smile:

thank you for your reply.
-we use windows 7 .
-xibo client version 1.8.12
-yes videos are good when played with vlc
-avi and mp4

thank you for your reply TTDJack.
the disk is ssd so i think we dont have issue with that.
video played with vlc: good, without any issue

Can you show us a video of the play back Xibo play and vlc player?

sorry i dont know how to show you?

Used you mobile phone to record the video playback on the TV. Make sure you remove all sensitive data from the play back.

I meant, I don’t know if it’s possible to upload the video and how to do it.

please check your email i dent to you the requested video. thank you

kindly reminder. any help is appreciated.

Heya Abdo -

Are you by chance in the US? If so, as I’m not entirely sure about your entire environment, I’d like to offer a remote session to try to suss out the issue. I ask if the US since most people would be paranoid, but if you have me on the phone, you’ll be in control every step of the way. If nothing else, we can pull specs and do some benchmarking to see what’s what. I have a remote program through work that works like a treat :slight_smile:


Can you try and reduce the resolution on the graphic card to 1080p and try again? I was having similar issues with Lg4k tv using windows player on HP device and i reduce to 1080 and it start playing smooth.

I’m going to try and see what happens. thanks.

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