Verifying modules and error 504 Gateway Time-out


when I get in the modules section and I use the “verify” button, I get an 504 Gateway Time-out error.

Someone had exactly the same problem in this topic, but the topic was closed without answer :frowning:

Module error 504 Gateway Time-out

Do you have any solution ? Thanks

That message comes from Apache, or potentially any reverse proxy you have in front of the containers.

CMS_APACHE_TIMEOUT will increase the Apache setting if you put it in config.env or docker-compose.yml and restart the containers.

For reference, I think this is the other topic mentioned. Verify Module error 504 Gateway Time-out

Alternatively verify modules runs during Daily Maintenance, so you could set that task to Run Now and let XTR run it for you.

Hi Oliver, yes Dan is right you just have to increase the timeout in Apache or in any of your reverse proxy. That would do the trick, i found out that it might takes around 2 minutes for the module to be verify.

Hello !

Thank you all, changing the keepalive_timeout to 180 seconds in the nginx configuration was indeed successful ! The module verification lasts about 2min20s, so now everything is OK :+1:

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