Verify Modules Error

Hi There,

I try to verify all my modules and try to reinstall it back to my cms library because some of the modules are not on my cms library as you can see on the image below, but I encounter an error please see on the 2nd image.

When I check on my logs, it prompts me with this error…

It seems I don’t have a problem on my directory permission… My web directory is set to www-data and have 775 permission.

Also I try to find the file that is trying to copy on my server but I can’t find the filename 1.

By the way I have a custom xibo setup in an ubuntu 16.04 LTS server. My xibo version is 1.8.2

I hope you can help me with my problem.


I would recommend setting the path to your library, as you cannot use nv-media-library/ on its own. You will need to define the full path to that library folder, for example /full/pathway/to/nv-media-library/, not just the library folder itself.

You will also need to make sure the permissions for your www-data and sub-directories that lead to the library are correct and owned by the user your web server is running on. An example of the command you will need to run is below (you will need to replace ‘/full/pathway/to/’ with the actual full pathway to the library folder):

chown -R www-data.www-data/full/pathway/to/nv-media-library

I would also recommend upgrading your CMS to the latest version, as this includes new features and bug fixes that your current CMS will not have.

Many Thanks.

Hi @DanBW

I already done you suggestion about the problem… I already set the full path of the library as you can see on the screen shot below

Also I already change the permission of the library directory also change the permission to 777 to make sure it will copy.

But the same problem still occur… I wonder why what is that file 1 is.

I very appreciate your help regarding this issue…


My apologies for the mistaken message earlier. Looking again at your screenshots, you will need to look again at your permissions.

I would recommend against keeping your library in the web directory, as this will make your entire library downloadable.

Many Thanks.