User get access denied when saving an edited region


I have setup a user that is allowed to edit some of the layouts i have created but when they click the “save order” button they get Access Denied, the display however still updates so everything seems ok, if they only click close it doesnt seem to update … it gets confusing for some users when they get this message when saving so i would like to have it fixed.

What permission do i need to set for them to be able to click save and not getting the access denied message?
we are using xibo 1.8.2

I believe the minimum would be Layout, Playlist, Regions and the View/Edit on whole layout with ‘Cascade permissions to all items underneath this one.’ checkbox ticked.

What exact page permission does your user have?

If you’d go in another window (logged in as admin) to the Logs page when the issue occurs, do you see any errors there?

ticking in the cascade permissions worked and i was able to restrict the elements i dont want them to edit again, great thanks :grinning:

Great, basically what this button does is, it assigns the same permissions to all existing regions and widgets on the layout - that can be done manually, but of course if you want to give users access to everything on the layout then it’s much simpler to just tick that checkbox.