Any idea why this doesn’t show on the android device when setting a web item on a layout?
Any idea why this doesn’t show on the android device when setting a web item on a layout?
Does it load the page but you can’t navigate on it or does it not show it at all, if so, are there any errors?
Is it set to open natively? If you open the same url in android browser, does that work as expected?
Edit: If this site relies heavily on flash then I’m afraid that will not work on Android, as Android is not supporting flash anymore.
I see an error message regarding flash, but on my android phone it’s working fine
On my android phone it works on any of the browsers I have installed. On the device there is a default android browser and it doesn’t work. Can I work with another browser?
I’ve tried this webpage on Windows and Android players, it appears to work for me on both of them.
It is not surprising that it works on Windows, on Android it will highly depend on the web view version (ie basically on Android version)
I’ve tried that on DSCS9, which is running on Android 6.