Upload video 600Mb

Hi, when I try tu upload a video 600mb the system aftwer few minute go to error…
the system is configured to upload 1024Mb script php at 600sec ecc is all ok but when I try a big video the system start to upload but a 20/30% stop it… after 5/10 second of stop go at max speed and arrive at 100% and write me “the name of network is not disponible”


It looks like it most likely is an environment issue, could you please tell us what webserver are you using?

Just in case make sure that all the settings in php.ini are correct
How do I upload files bigger than 2MB / How can I increase the upload file size limit?

hi, thank for the reply

the system run to Linux Centos 6,7 with plesk 12.5.30

Settings in php.ini seems to be fine.
Error suggests that the file isn’t there when we go to read it.

Perhaps the filesystem permissions are wrong? You might want to check that.
Alternatively something like SELinux is stopping the webserver writing files there.

Sorry that I can’t give you anything more specific but I hope you’ll be able to find what could be causing this issue.

ok resolved…
change to php plesk domain
"run php as " -> “Cgi application” (default is FastCgi)

Great, I am glad that you were able to resolve this issue! :smiley:

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