Upgrading from 1.8.11 to 2.0.3


I have v1.8.11 installed using docker on CentOS v7. I can’t figure out nor understand the upgrade instructions to upgrade to v2.0.3.
I downloaded the latest xibo-docker.zip, do I extract that to a folder on the server’s root and CD into that folder and run “vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c phinx.php”.
Please explain as I’m not a Linux user. :slight_smile:

Thank you,

if you install with docker is easy to migrate

  • download xibo-docker chose version as you need
  • extract zip file and enter to that folder
  • copy using command cp -avrp path/to/old/share . replace path/to/old/share with your old share folder path from old xibo version you want to migrate (share fold is store xibo data persistent specify by docker-compose.yml) and copy config.env file to new xibo version folder.
  • now!! deploy xibo service with docker-compose up -d and see log docker-compose logs -f

if everything work find you success migrate xibo to new version

follow link https://xibo.org.uk/docs/setup/upgrade-xibo-for-docker-install

Thanks for the reply.

But I can’t seem to find the shared folder, would it be /var/www/xibo18?

Thanks again,