Upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.1

Follow up on my previous solution here: Upgrading to xibo v2, unable to do database migrations

I was running Xibo 2.0.4 on Windows Server and PHP 7.3 without problems.

However, now I wanted to upgrade my Xibo to 2.1.
And I ran into problem again.

This was the message I got:
The CMS is temporarily off-line as an upgrade is in progress. Please check with your system administrator for updates or refresh your page in a few minutes.

I have solved it like this:
(Please note - you first have to copy all necessary files to their places as described in the link above)

  1. In folder “vendor\bin” using Notepad edit file “phinx”:
    change line
    $app = require DIR . ‘/app/phinx.php’;


    $app = require __DIR__ . '/app/phinx.php';

  2. In folder “vendor\bin\app” using Notepad edit file “phinx.php”:
    change line
    $autoloader = require DIR .’/src/composer_autoloader.php’;


    $autoloader = require __DIR__ .'/src/composer_autoloader.php';

  3. Go to your Shell, cd into your xibo installation and run:
    php vendor\bin\phinx migrate -c phinx.php

As you can see, just add two underscores on both sides of “DIR”.
I found that here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.constants.predefined.php

Now my Xibo is running 2.1 on Windows and PHP 3.7 (XAMPP).

Hope this helps someone.