Upgrade CMS 1.7.3 to 1.7.9


I have installed xibo cms 1.7.3 and I have made lots of changes in core files and also in database.
Now I want to upgrade it to 1.7.9.
Please help.

Thanks in advance.

if you’ve made changes to the core system then you will need to go through and make a list of all these changes so that they can be reapplied after the upgrade. Perhaps you did your changes in a Git Repository? That might make it easier to see the difference between versions as you can merge in the current xibosignage/xibo-cms/master branch.

If you’ve not used git and you’ve modified core files, then unfortunately the only way forward is to manually extract all of those changes and reapply them after upgrade.

If you have to do this, you might consider waiting for a few weeks and going to 1.8, which is another big jump forwards

You can look through the database steps that will be applied in this folder: https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo-cms/tree/master/install/database it will run files 88.sql to 94.sql.

We’d always recommend working with the project to see if your changes are something that should be available as a general improvement to the system - and if not, then whether we can add events/hooks to support custom functionality without modifying core files. We’ve moved in this direction for 1.8 with an events system and the ability to add Custom classes to be included at run time.