When i try to publish a playlist, i get unexpected error, please contact support. In the logs i get the same 4 regionId in a list marked as region deleted.
When i try to export the log and system report using the error reporting tool, i also get the same error.
Could you please provide us with your CMS error logs with auditing enabled so that we can take a look at the issue you are currently experiencing.
We are aware of an issue regarding layouts that have been assigned directly to displays/display groups and Publishing: https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/1774
Hi Natasha,
Thanks for your speedy revert. As mentioned, i get the same error when trying to export the CMS error logs. I can copy paste phpinfo and screenshot the other info until this can be sorted.
I can confirm that removing the playlist assignment from the device that it does publish and then I can re-assign and it plays as expected. Thankyou for the solution. How soon before a patch will be released to address this?
We are hoping to have a patch release out by the end of this week.