I don’t see anything that says “Remove URLs” in the “advanced” tab of the Twitter module.
I’m using a RSS Feed via: https://twitrss.me/
I didn’t want to search by “term” but for a specific “user” and I didn’t saw how to do it in the Twitter module itself…
but I found out how to get them to display… I was using the tag [description] in my custom template… I switched to [title] and now the links displays… Weird…
Then in the search term you’d just put from:<accountname> for example from:BBC
Have a look here on how to create more complex search terms and then put them in Xibo twitter module. Advanced Twitter Feed
I did some tests with the Twitter module by adding the “from:”…
It works but whatever the settings I set (# of tweets, slide time, etc…), It always/only displays 3 Tweets and goes to next slide…
You will probably want to set some effect (scroll etc) set the template to full twitter template / tweet with profile image to the left.
Adjust count, duration and transition speed to make it look as you want it to.
Without any effect it will display x tweets per ‘page’ where x depends on regions dimensions etc. (so in your case it seems to be 3)