Twitter feed question

Just wondering does the twitter feed gadget scroll through the twitter feed or just display the latest tweets?

You have options:
recent, popular and mixed as well as count(number of tweets to be returned)
as for how far back it can go, I am not entirely sure, you can find more details about this API here

But does it scroll through. so if i allocate a space on the design for it and it only has space for 2 tweets but I have 5 to display will it scroll.


Yup, you will have to select an effect of your choice, it will display one tweet at a time and scroll(or different effect) to the next one.

As for duration, The duration is the total duration, not the duration of the individual tweet.
For example you want to return 10 tweets, if it’s set to 10s and there is let’s say scroll effect then each tweet will stay for 1s (it would need to be set to 100s- then every tweet will stay for about 10s).
We do have a feature request to have duration per tweet there too, similar like we have for tickers, for now only total duration is available.

Great Thanks

Think i am definatley going to go with Xibo as my digital signage solution now.


Thank you, we are glad to hear it :smile:

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